July 5, 2009

Dealing with Medival Reenactments in the South.

From 1997 to 2007 I played in the SCA in Northern California, happily learning, loving, and celebrating with the Wonderful Kingdom of the West. I was "found" at a College clubs day, my first semester of college, and was hooked from the start.
Due to the wonderful weather, diverse locations, and multitude of existing art work, it was like a SCAdian Utopia. In those 10 years I did move in and out of Northern California, I played in both Caid (Southern California, and Hawaii) and in Antir (Oregon). But I always came back to the West, and was happy to do so.
About two years ago I decided to enhance my mundane life by building equity... and also to be closer to a family member I had not seen in years. So I moved to the Kingdom of Trimaris, otherwise known at Florida. Now in the West Kingdom I had a persona focused on 10th century Viking... and era that I truly enjoy and wish to continue. But here in Trimaris... the weather is not conducive to the Viking era...
I have found that I have had to do some modification's, And i am trying to do them in a period-correct manner. The first event that I participated in, required me to modify my basic needs, just to survive in the outdoors with out ending up in the emergency room.... Recently I have expanded on those difference, to make them more livable, more aesthetically pleasing, and of course close to period style....
The first change was a full coverage bug screen for the sleeping area. The second was elevating the bed, the third was converting all Costume silhouettes from cold weather to warm weather wear. I am attaching some pictures of the changes made... and will in time write up little essays on each, and the construction along with documentation. But as of right now, it is to Hot to to continue... so adieu.

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